Motto of the Month
I must say that I’m always somewhat surprised at the number of you who comment on our mottos. Thanks for those comments and know that you, too, can have your spark of genius headlining our newsletter. Just email your submissions to me…
As we continue on our path of continuous improvement on the shop floor, we also remain focused on operational excellence and total customer satisfaction. On that note, we would seriously appreciate your point-of-view on 10 important questions relating to our products and services. Your honest feedback will help us to improve in the coming year, and for your minute of trouble, we’ll send you a $5 Starbuck’s gift card.
Please take our 10 question online survey. At the conclusion, you will be asked to provide your address so we can mail your $5 Starbuck’s gift card. The information will only be used for this purpose and you will not be contacted.
Take The Survey
For those of you that made it by our booth at IMTS in September in Chicago, thanks for stopping by. It was good to see so much renewed energy, old friends and new prospects.
May you all have sparks of genius. Until next month…