
What To Look for in an Aluminum Plate Supplier

From customer service to expertise, there are a few things you need to look for when finding an aluminum plate supplier. Read on to find out what those are!

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A Guide to Different Grades of Aluminum Blanks

You probably already know that aluminum is an essential metal used in several industries. Now, learn all about the different grades of aluminum blanks.

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DFM Tip: How to Handle Flatness
and Parallelism Specifications in
Your Print

This document was created by Reata Engineering and Machine Works, and repurposed with permission.  When you request prototype or production machining services, it’s essential to call out the part specifications accurately in your print. Inaccurate information could result in a part that doesn’t function as intended or extends your lead time as you and your […]

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Evolve For Your Customers

Remember when you could only choose two of the three? Well those days are gone. Today, if you can not deliver on all three you best be looking over your shoulder because someone else will figure out how to do it. It is called evolution. To stay lean and agile (or effectively evolve) you need […]

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Materials Machine-Ready for Production (MRP)

Save Time – Improve Quality – Increase Overall Throughput In today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing environment it is important for shops to stay current with best practices while keeping a watchful eye on increasing customer demands. Shops that continue to innovate, retool, and exceed customer expectations are thriving, while at the same time educating customers as […]

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War in Ukraine

As Americans, we are truly free and will defend that right at all costs.  For me personally, watching what is taking place in Ukraine emphasizes just how precious this right is.  The people of Ukraine have lived both ways, previously under the oppressive rule of a dictator, and for the last 30-years as a free […]

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“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” This quote can be traced back to Abraham Lincoln, a wise man indeed.  The premise is sound and supports a bias for action to realize opportunity, or even the notion of build it and they will come.  In today’s manufacturing economy we have access […]

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Materials Shortages

These are strange times we are living through for sure, with seemingly new challenges around every corner.  So, the current global supply chain issue should not be a big surprise for any of us.  How we choose to handle it is another thing; we can all panic and let fear and uncertainty dictate, or we […]

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Cycle Time Vs. the Bottom Line - You be the judge

I find it interesting to hear how different shops quantify investments in new technology, equipment, and emerging processes that promise to reduce cycle time, increase spindle time, or otherwise provide improvement to the status quo of production machining. Anything new that requires an ounce of change in process, regardless of stated benefits, are typically vetted […]

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Growth in 5-Axis Machining

The 5-Axis machine sales continues to grow yearly, boasting a Compound Annual Growth Rate of almost 7 percent, and for good reason - Efficiency While typical CNC machines move in 3-axes (X, Y, and Z), 5-axis machines add two rotary axes, which opens up many more opportunities and benefits surrounding machining productivity gains: Easy set […]

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